Saturday, March 14, 2020

Shoemaker and the Revolution essays

Shoemaker and the Revolution essays Alfred F. Young shows us a glimpse of the American Revolution through the eyes of George Robert Twelves Hewes, a poor shoemaker of the Humble Class. What do we know about Hewes? Why is it that he is honored when the rest of his associates have been forgotten? What compelled Hewes to explore the chaotic world of Politics? And why is he remembered as a hero? Hewes played a vital role throughout the Revolution. We read three major events in which he participated, in Youngs The Shoemaker and The Tea Party. The three major events shaped the Revolution, and have influenced Americans for hundreds of years. He was a nobody who briefly became a somebody in the Revolution and, for a moment the end of his life, a hero. To understand Hewes ambition and determination one must start from his youth. Hewes was born in Boston in 1742, and was the sixth of nine children. He was unusually short, five feet, one inch. Hewes received very little fortune from his family. His father (a soap boiler), died when he was seven, leaving his family poor and in debt. His mother was a very strict woman, showing almost no love or affection, and often whipping him for his disobedience. Because of such lower standings Hewes was put to shoemaking. Shoemaking was never an occupation of his choice. The only way to escape the Apprentice world was to become like so many other men, a Soldier. The Military to Hewes was his door to opportunity. However, the small misfortune of height stood in the way, He was rejected for his size. I could not pass muster, Hewes told Hawkes, because I was not tall enough. Although small height, his determination was huge. We see this determination when he tries to enlist for a se cond time, heightening his heels and stuffing his stockings with paper and rags. Once again, rejected when the Captain saw through his trick. He then returned to the apprentice world aga...

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